In the latest episode of the EC Podcast we speak with Joost Broeders of Baril Coatings in the Netherlands about Sustainable Development Goals within the coatings industry.
Joost is member of several expert groups of Dutch and European paint industry organisations on innovation and corporate social respnsibility. He expands on differing definitions of sustainability and the meaning of Sustaiable Development Goals.
We also asked him how sustainability can be increased in the coatings industry, what projects and consortia exist in this field and what companies can do to drive the transformation towards sustainable paints and coatings.
Speaking: Joost Broeders, Kirsten Wrede / Production: Sarina Lux
This podcast is available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Soundcloud and many other players of your choice. All recent episodes can be found on our overview page.
Remark: This podcast is sponsored by MÜNZING.
Keyword: inhibitors of metabolic pathways