Britney Spears Says She Feels "Protected" By Her Bangs

If you're wondering how Britney Spears has been doing in self-isolation, she's kind of living it up. Dancing in her home, exercising, and lounging by the pool are just a few of the activities she's done recently — she also found the time to pen a heartful love letter… to her bangs. On May 19, the singer posted an Instagram selfie, showing off her wispy bangs with a lengthy caption that speaks directly to everyone who's just always had bangs.

"I know I need bangs," she begins. "I stopped having bangs in the 3rd grade and I remember like it was yesterday… it was such a big deal to expose my forehead… only pretty people in the south could do that, and I never felt pretty enough to pull it off." If that weren't upsetting enough coming from an iconic popstar of Spears's caliber, just wait until you hear the rest of her story.

"I met with a modeling agency but I wasn’t pretty enough, so I went home and said, 'maybe I can be like the older girls and show my forehead,'" she recalls. "I did, and it looked sooooo bad but I thought I was gorgeous." She says that after that, she refused to get bangs again because she thought it would make her look cool.

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But now that she has bangs yet again, she couldn't be happier with the state of her hair. "People choose different ways to protect themselves," she writes. "When I pull my bangs in front of my head I feel like I’m protected… almost like I’m in 3rd grade again." As someone who's had bangs for basically her entire life, I could not relate more to this statement.

Bangs physically give you something to hide behind when you're feeling self-conscious, and though I've reached the point in my life where I don't feel like I need to hide anymore, having the option to is always a comfort. In fact, Spears's words are making me re-assess my own shaggy, grown-out bangs. It might be time to grab the haircutting shears… sorry in advance to my stylist.

More on hair:

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Now, see how long hair has evolved within the past 100 years:

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