This SN74LV4051AQPWRQ1 Electronic Components device is an 8-channel analog multiplexer. A multiplexer is used when several signals must share the same device or resource. This device allows the selection of one of these signals at a time, for analysis or propagation.
This 8-channel CMOS analog multiplexer and demultiplexer is designed for 2-V to 5.5-V VCC operation.The SN74LV4051A handles analog and digital signals. Each channel permits signals with amplitudes up to 5.5 V (peak) to be transmitted in either direction.
Product Features
Main product features
Qualified for Automotive Applications
2-V to 5.5-V VCC Operation
Supports Mixed-Mode Voltage Operation on All multiplexing for analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog Ports
High On-Off Output-Voltage Ratio
Automotive Infotainment and Cluster
Telematics, eCall
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