The story of how Robbie Keane slide-tackled two girls at a bar to introduce a new Tottenham French recruit to the English game

Speaking on SFR Sport show “Le Vestiaire” last night, French youth international defender and current Bolton Wanderers man Dorian Dervite told a story from back in his youth days from when he was at Tottenham Hotspur.

The 29-year-old spent 5 years there, but never made a professional appearance for the club. During the programme, he told a story of how striker Robbie Keane slide-tackled two girls in a bar in London in an attempt to introduce the then young Frenchman to the English game:

“After two or three drinks, he started coming towards me and said to me “I will show you how to do a real slide-tackle in England.” I held onto his glass and then he started to sprint and finished by tackling two women who were at the bar.”

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