More From Mr. Kennedy, Candice Michelle Shortens Hair, New Santino Marella Shirt

— Mr. Kennedy took part in a question and answer session for the readers of SLAM! Wrestling, which you can read at this link. On recently being off television for several weeks without any explanation, Kennedy said, “As far as a push goes in the WWE, sometimes it can be a little ridiculous. Yeah, I haven’t been in the forefront, or the limelight, but I’ve been in Puerto Rico filming a movie for the last six or seven weeks. I think, a lot of times, they don’t explain that to the fans. That’s where fans are somewhat misled. I’m on TV, I’m on TV, I’m on TV, and I’m off TV, and I’m off TV for six or seven weeks with no explanation.” Kennedy also talks about pitching ideas to the writers, Jim Cornette not really being a fan of him in OVW (“I always felt like Cornette didn’t see anything in me.”), being drafted to Raw, who he’d like to feud with, and more.

— WWE has released the first t-shirt of Santino Marella, which you can see at this link. It’s apparently ripping off the design of this shirt.

Revision3 Gazette has a video interview with WWE Diva Candice Michelle promoting You can see the interview at this link. During the interview you can see Candice Michelle’s new shortened hairstyle.

See pic of an awkward looking Melina trying out for “Tough Enough”

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