Groups Raise Alarm About Under-the-Radar, 'Extremist' Healthcare Nominee

Organizers are urging constituents to call their lawmakers Tuesday and make a pitch against Seema Verma, President Donald Trump’s nominee for administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

The Senate Finance Committee, which held Verma’s under-the-radar hearing earlier this month, is expected to vote on her nomination Wednesday.

While Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price has gotten more attention, Verma could be equally influential in the GOP’s quest to gut critical safety net programs. CNN described her last week as “the [Mike] Pence ally who could remake healthcare policy,” while The Atlantic noted that, if confirmed, Verma “will have the power to reshape large swathes of healthcare as we know it, particularly for Americans who are struggling financially.”

“Seema Verma is about to become the most powerful woman in Washington you’ve never heard of,” wrote Huffington Post senior reporter Jeffrey Young in his profile this month.

Verma’s record as a health consultant in several states, along with her responses to questions posed at her confirmation hearing, make that a frightening prospect. As the Indivisible Guide warned in its call-to-action, “Verma holds extreme positions on healthcare that would raise insurance costs for women and cap Medicaid benefits.”

Furthermore, Center for Medicare Advocacy founder and executive director Judith Stein said after the hearing: “While short on specifics, it was clear from the hearing that Ms. Verma will favor private insurance models that purport to give individual choice and lower costs through marketplace competition. She is unlikely to advance mandatory core benefit packages and likely to defer to states and industry in the guise of options and innovation. Her testimony should alarm advocates who fear further privatizing Medicare.”


In Indiana, where she worked closely with Pence, Verma helped craft a “Medicaid expansion program” that in fact “sought to eliminate standard Medicaid protections and provisions for vulnerable people, exchanging them for a premium-based program that mimicked private plans,” The Atlantic wrote.

In a statement issued upon Verma’s nomination in December, Physicians for a National Health Program president Robert Zarr criticized her as “the architect of Indiana’s punitive restrictions on Medicaid patients. Her plan forced impoverished Medicaid enrollees to pay dearly for care, imposing unprecedented copayments and premiums on people with little chance of affording them; those who miss a payment are denied coverage.”

“Her actions in Indiana,” Zarr said at the time, “signal that she will inflict cruel and unusual punishment on America’s most vulnerable citizens.”