What is UX Design all about? User Experience, or UX, is a notion that we see more and more often in our lives. UX and “What is UX Design All About?”
删除 wp_head 中的无用代码
WordPress 通过 wp_head() 在页面的头部输出了很多东西,但是这些标签很多是没用的,虽然这些代码也没有什么副作用,但是个人更喜欢保持一个简洁的 header。 所以这篇日志将教你如何移除 header 中的下面几个标签,你可以根据自己的需求选择移除: •Really Simple Discovery (RSD) link •Windows Live Writer link •WordPress generator 信息 •和日志相关的 Link Really Simple Discovery “删除 wp_head 中的无用代码”
杂志封面Selena Gomez演绎miumiu充满少女心的LookBook
许多人都知道,miumiu缪缪是prada的副线奢侈品牌,不过两者的设计风格似乎没有丝毫联系,因为定位不同,prada选择了商务路线,而miumiu缪缪的风格更充满少女的气息,miumiu缪缪女孩的包款总是带着波浪形的褶皱元素,与焕发青春气息的色彩搭配,而今年秋冬系列时装流行动物纹路、千鸟格、拼接蟒蛇皮纹的风衣、长外套与裙子,笔直线条的大件外套披上身上似乎更时髦,甚至还有更凸显女生味道的吊带裙、荷叶褶皱衣领的连体裙,很受时尚女孩们的期待。 登上《Wonderland》杂志十周年刊封面的缪斯女孩在闺房中演绎miumiu的全新服饰,在摄影师 Petra Collins 的镜头下,赛琳娜身着 Miu Miu(缪缪)2015秋季新装出镜,展现青春活力。 杂志封面Selena Gomez演绎miumiu充满少女心的LookBook 杂志封面Selena Gomez演绎miumiu充满少女心的LookBook 杂志封面Selena Gomez演绎miumiu充满少女心的LookBook 杂志封面Selena Gomez演绎miumiu充满少女心的LookBook 杂志封面Selena Gomez演绎miumiu充满少女心的LookBook 杂志封面Selena Gomez演绎miumiu充满少女心的LookBook 喜欢Miu Miu的女孩今年秋冬穿什么 喜欢Miu Miu的女孩今年秋冬穿什么 喜欢Miu Miu的女孩今年秋冬穿什么 “杂志封面Selena Gomez演绎miumiu充满少女心的LookBook”
Henkel opens second application centre in North Vietnam
Henkel, a global leader in adhesives, sealants and functional coatings, has launched a second application center in Thanh Hoa, north Vietnam, to expand its support “Henkel opens second application centre in North Vietnam”
Helpful Design Constraints vs. Over-Constraint: How to Find the Sweet Spot
Time to read: 5 min If you design products, whether you’re a full time in-house engineer, a professional freelance industrial designer, or a moonlighting inventor, “Helpful Design Constraints vs. Over-Constraint: How to Find the Sweet Spot”
The Advantages Of JINPENG’s Electric tricycle Motorcycle
JINPENG is the world’s largest electric tricycle manufacturer, which has developed the electric tricycle motorcycle. This motorcycle boasts a lot of advantages, the most notable “The Advantages Of JINPENG’s Electric tricycle Motorcycle”
Abou Diaby in line to play for Marseille on Friday
Marseille have confirmed that central midfielder Abou Diaby has now reached match fitness and is now fully available for selection for OM’s forthcoming matches. Marseille “Abou Diaby in line to play for Marseille on Friday”
Seriously Bar Salts Strawberry Kiwi Nic Salt
Description Seriously Bar Salts, by Doozy, Strawberry Kiwi combines sweet candy strawberries with finely cut slices of tangy kiwi. Seriously Bar Salts are best suited “Seriously Bar Salts Strawberry Kiwi Nic Salt”
New podcast episode: Sustainability and the coatings industry
In the latest episode of the EC Podcast we speak with Joost Broeders of Baril Coatings in the Netherlands about Sustainable Development Goals within the “New podcast episode: Sustainability and the coatings industry”
Redox, An Australian Trusted Trader
Redox has recently been accredited as a Trusted Trader by the Australian Government, recognising our compliant trade practices and a secure international supply chain. Administered by “Redox, An Australian Trusted Trader”